Dealing with Disruption
This course is for helping families navigate a healthy disruption of their foster and/or adoptive children. Disruptions are not ideal but they do happen and we hope to help guide you through one if it does occur.
What You Will Learn |
What You Will Get |
Introduction From The Instructor
Before We Get Started
Defining A Disruption
Three Questions Activity
Times When a Disruption is Necessary
Prevention of a Disruption Part 1
Prevention of a Disruption Part 2
What is an Ecomap?
The Disruption Cycle
Impact on The Family
Impact on the Child
Impact on Others
What Do We Learn from a Disruption?
How to Support a Child That Has Disrupted
MAPC, TAD, LAC, TBRI® Educator
MS, LAMFT, TBRI® Practitioner
Yes! Every course comes with a certificate of completion that has been approved by the Arizona Department of Child Safety when the last lesson is reached. This certificate will have the learner's name, the title of the course, the credit hours, and the date of completion.
Just like our in-person courses, the pricing is based per participant. Each purchase should be logged under an individual’s name, and only that name will be tied to the proof of participation.
Each of the courses are made up of a variety of modules with lessons within each. These lessons are made up of short videos to watch. Learners must complete the video before they can advance to the next lesson. There is also a variety of “process questions” throughout each lesson to help learners apply lessons from the videos. Each learner must also complete a final assessment quiz to receive a certificate.
Yes! Each lesson has a forum where learners can either post or answer a question for discussion to keep the learning going.