Course Benefits

What You Will Learn

  • Gain a working understanding of Sexually Maladaptive Behaviors (SMB)
  • Understand why SMB develops in children
  • Understand SMB through an attachment lens

What You Will Get

  • Parenting strategies for working with children who demonstrate SMB
  • Clinically researched content

Course Curriculum

    1. Message from the Instructor

    2. What You Will Learn

    1. Definitions

    2. Understanding Origins

    3. Related Factors to Reactive and Aggressive Behaviors

    4. Personal Assesment

    1. Treatment

    2. Parenting Tips

    3. Meeting Your Child's Need for Connection and Safety

    4. Supporting Regulation

    5. Personal Assesment

    1. Wrap-up

    2. Final Assessment

    3. End of Course Evaluation

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 14 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Meet Your Instructor

Jennie Dalcour, MA LPC

Clinical Services Supervisor

Jennie is a Child and Family Therapist and currently serves as the Clinical Services Supervisor at Arizona Family Counseling. She specializes in attachment trauma, general trauma, preverbal trauma that occurred in early childhood, and anxiety disorders. Jennie believes her role in therapy is to be a guide, to walk alongside clients, as they develop their own strength and motivation to change. She tailors therapy to each person to address current concerns and past trauma when appropriate.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why should I take this course?

    This course is for parents who have children who have displayed sexual behaviors which would fit the description of maladaptive. Caregivers will learn about children’s healthy sexual development and how to support their children’s ability to meet their needs without sexualized behaviors.

  • Will I receive a certificate of completion for the course?

    Yes! Every course comes with a certificate of completion that has been approved by the Arizona Department of Child Safety when the last lesson is reached. This certificate will have the learner's name, the title of the course, the credit hours, and the date of completion.

  • Can I watch the courses together with my spouse or do we each have to have our own log in?

    Just like our in-person courses, the pricing is based per participant. Each purchase should be logged under an individual’s name, and only that name will be tied to the proof of participation.

  • What is the format of the course content?

    Each of the courses are made up of a variety of modules with lessons within each. These lessons are made up of short videos to watch. Learners must complete the video before they can advance to the next lesson. There is also a variety of “process questions” throughout each lesson to help learners apply lessons from the videos. Each learner must also complete a final assessment quiz to receive a certificate.

  • Can I interact with other people/instructors in the course?

    Yes! Each lesson has a forum where learners can either post or answer a question for discussion to keep the learning going.